What you'll learn

✔ A record in MongoDB is a document,

✔ which is a data structure composed of field and value pairs.

✔ MongoDB documents are similar to JSON objects.

✔ The values of fields may include other documents, arrays, and arrays of documents.

Technologies you will learn

Curriculum designed by experts

48 hours
Cource Fee : ₹ 500

➢ What Is NoSQL?

➢ Why NoSQL databases are required.

➢Types of NoSQL Database

➢NoSQL vs SQL Comparison

➢ACID & BASE Property

➢CAP Theorem

➢Benefits of NoSQL databases


➢Start and Stop the mongodb process

➢Document, Collection, Databases


➢ Storage Engines (WiredTiger and MMAP)

➢Read Path


➢Write Path

➢Working set

➢Capped colletion

➢ Mongodb Data Types

➢Inserting, Update, Deleting the documents

➢ Querying the documents

➢Bulk insert operation

➢ Updating multiple document

➢ Limiting documents

➢Filtering documents

➢ Dynamic Schema

➢ What is Data modeling?

➢ RDBMS and Mongodb Data modeling difference

➢ Embedding Document

➢Reference Document

➢ Index concepts in mongodb

➢ Types of indexes

➢ Indexes and its use cases

➢ Creating Indexes

➢ Managing Indexes

➢ Index strategies

➢ Database status

➢ Troubleshooting issues

➢ Current Operations

➢ Rotating log files

➢ Users and Roles

➢ Copy and Clone database

➢ DB and Collection Stats

➢Explain plan

➢ Concept of backups

➢ mongoexport/mongoimport

➢ mongodump/mongorestore

➢ Oplog backups

➢ LVM Backups

➢ Backups using MMS/Ops Manager

➢ Purpose of security

➢ Authentication and authorization

➢ Concept of Replication

➢ReplicaSet member roles

➢ Voting and Electing primary

➢ Role of Oplog in replication

➢ Read and Write Concern

➢Arbiter,Hidden and Delayed replica node

➢ Priority settings

➢ Replicaset nodes health check

➢ Concept of Scalability

➢ Sharding concept

➢ Shardkey and Chunks

➢ Choosing shardkey

➢ Sharding components

➢ Types of Sharding

➢ Balanced data distribution

➢ Sharded and Non-sharded collection

➢ Sharded Replicaset

➢ Tag aware sharding

➢MMS Manager

➢Ops Manager

➢Mongo utili

➢Mongo devel

➢Mongodb Atlas

Pre Requisite :

✔ Knowledge of any programming language.

✔ Knowledge of JavaScript.

✔ Knowing JSON will be helpful.

✔ Knowledge of any text editor.

This course includes:

✔ 48 hours on-demand video

✔ 50 articles

✔ 95 downloadable resources

✔ 13 coding exercises

✔ Full lifetime access

✔ Access on mobile and TV

✔ Assignments

✔ Certificate of completion

✔ Closed captions